11 אפריל, 2012

תמונות: החייל הנשוי גר באוטובוס. טוען: ברק זומם לפנות אותנו


תמונות: משפחתו של חייל נשוי גרה באוטובוס. האם ברק זומם לפנות?

From: BarbaraAndChaim Ginsberg <barbaraandchaim@gmail.com>
These pictures are a bus on a Hilltop lived in by Pinchas Bar-On, now is in the army. Pinchas lives in this bus with his wife and a 2 year-old son named Elijah and a 6 month old daughter named Emuna.  They live in this bus under harsh conditions to save our land from Arab hands. 
Barak promises to remove this bus within 2 months.  Thirty other buses on this Hilltop have been removed and Pinchas and family remain alone.
There is a Hilltop filled with buses in the Hebron area, which also Barak wants removed.
Jews are not allowed to live even in a bus on our own land.  The land is saved by the government to hand over to the Arabs.  But, the fight must continue to save OUR LAND.
Notice the work that Pinchas put into this bus, kitchen which also serves as a livingroom where you see the wooden bus seats, bathroom, tiles on floor and wall. bus windows - trying to make it comfortable for family.