03 מרץ, 2014

[Mattotarim] Anti-semitism Week -Sorry, we mean Apartheid Week בגין מגן על ישראל

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                                                        רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף

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 כך השיב מנחם בגין - בדקה אחת!! - לקנצלר גרמניה  שדרש (כמו הקנצלרית היום!) להקים מדינה פלשתינית

העבירו הלאה
לכבוד שבוע האפרטהייד -- להלן, בשפה האנגלית, דברי תודה וחומרי הסברה איכותיים
לידידי ישראל בחו"ל שעומדים לימין ישראל
כל הכבוד להם, העבירו נא לידידיכם בחו"ל כאות הכרת תודה 


Israelis Celebrate Anti-Semitism Week (=Apartheid Week) by Thanking Israel's friends Worldwide!

Apartheid Week, which some call Anti-Semitism Week,  is a great time for us Israelis to say THANK YOU for the dedication and courage of Israel's friends abroad, who fight Apartheid Week, BDS and other socially acceptable forms of anti-Semitism.

Read here:

And have you seen this year's fabulously creative ReThink campaign? https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rethink2014/249735661865503
Please forward this entire email to your pro-Israel friends abroad -- as a tribute to them, as us  Israelis' way of saying THANK YOU  to them.
Here also is a gift from us Israelis to our friends across the world - it will reach our friends if YOU forward it to the people you know abroad:
It is a fascinating hour-long infotainment session with Dr. Gautthier  about the legality of post-1967 Israel - ask your friends to click here:
Of course, the info-session is intended for thinking people -- not for those who repeat "illegality" accusations against Israel without checking if they are true or false.
REMINDER: The links below, in blue, shows you how the arguments for Israel's rights and future are being made by the Government of Israel.  
Help Israel be strong for Israel by sending these links out as widely as possible!


 The Legality of Israel's Settlements - Legal information from the Government of Israel


The following legal information from Israel will help you discount "settlements are illegal" rhetoric if you are subjected to it:


a. An Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister  (2011) explains legality of Israeli settlements  (6 minutes - almost 750,000 viewers)


b. From Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Legality of Israeli settlements  -- text  geared for the general public


c. From Prime Minister Netanyahu's Office -- text  on legality of Israeli settlements,  excerpted  from the Levy Report, authored  by retired Israel Supreme Court Justice Edmund Levy inter alia and commissioned by the Government of Israel. Geared for academics, students and legal professionals



Our blog: http://mattotarim1.blogspot.com Now on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MattotArim

רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org

to unsubscribe, pls send a blank email to: mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org


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