28 נובמבר, 2017

Like brushing your teeth!

Many Jewish people do not understand why Jewish homes get bashed down like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQjQmHezwXA
sometimes without producing any demolition order at all: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/238465.

In contrast, bashing up Arab homes is ALWAYS a human rights violation. Yesterday the Jerusalem Post reported the Jerusalem Municipality would demolish 5 buildings – in an Arab neighborhood in which 52,000 (!) Arab people live in illegal buildings. The Jerusalem Municipality said their 5 measly demolitions had gone through 16 (!) different judiciary levels including 3 sessions in the High Court. That's a start! we think.
But did the Jerusalem Municipality actually demolish those 5 illegal  buildings built by Arab people? Of course not! Because Jerusalem's District Court issued a stopping order at the last minute.
Guys: The reason for this ridiculous injustice,  is that we have not yet learned to GET ORGANIZED and cause our elected officials to finally change these absurd rules.
If all of us "ideological Israelis" were to automatically obtain primaries voting rights, in a dominant, powerful political party such as Likud or Bayit Yehudi, as automatically as we brush our teeth -- things would start to change. There is a reason why Arab villages vote in blocs. When politicians see lots of people lining up for primaries voting rights – those politicians get going!
Please join the ideological blocs --
in Likud (the largest hence most powerful party) --
and if not then in Bayit Yehudit (2nd largest party on the right).
It's as easy as using a toothbrush. Just send your name and cellphone number to mattot.arim@gmail.com. We'll help you become part of the organized force that is working on CHANGE. With your help, change will happen. Without your help, it won't. Joining a political party and voting in its primaries, is really as easy as brushing teeth. Let's go for it. Together. Join us...

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com